Thay in Denver Airport

Saying of Thich Nhat Hanh in Denver International Baggage Claim. Photo by Matthew Sherman

As we all know, traveling can be a tiring, stressful and disjointed experience. The core of our Plum Village practice is the experience of arriving in every step, of reaching our ultimate destination with each breath.

At the Denver International Airport in the United States, the artist Ximena Labra created an art installation entitled “To Those Who Go”, ( which contains quotations about journeys, travel and arriving from great literature and spiritual teachers. One of the quotations on the wall is from our teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh. ” I have arrived, I am here. My destination is in each step”:

In her own words, Ximena describes the project as: ”

“To those who go” is a public art project for those and about those who will travel. Not only in space and time, but also in their minds, those who travel are willing to go beyond their usual surroundings. They are the seekers. Therefore, they find. It is the will of discovery that makes us human beings find out who we are and what the universe is made of.

This is a project about people who went and saw, the ones that have gone further and shared their discoveries, their dreams, their revelations. But it is also a project for the ones that are going today, -in spite of everything and because of everything the world is about- to find and to see, to do and to be… what they are.”

A link to photos of the various quotations in the exhibit is available here:

Br.Phap Hai

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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