
Photos / Joyfully working together

In Plum Village, France, we have three hamlets – Upper Hamlet for brothers, Lower Hamlet and New Hamlet for sisters. Each hamlet is beautiful and spacious. In order to keep the hamlet beautiful and tidy, we gather once a month at a hamlet for a day community work where...

How To / Begin Anew

Beginning Anew is a key Plum Village practice for maintaining healthy relationships and healing difficult relationships. We are happy to offer you a short video explaining Beginning Anew.

Photos / Sharing with India

On 26 May, 2021 Plum Village community celebrated Vesak day with the various Plum Village sanghas in India and the Ahimsa Foundation (an organization founded to represent our teacher Thich Nhat Hanh and his practice communities in India). Due to the serious state of COVID-19 in India, people in India...

Photos / Vesak Day 2021

On the 26 of May, Plum Village centers around the world organized ceremonies to celebrate Vesak day. On this day we commemorate the birth of Prince Siddhartha, his enlightenment when he became known as Gautama Buddha, and his death known as parinirvana.

The Divided Brain: A dialogue with Dr Iain McGilchrist

During the 2020 Online Retreat, Understanding the Mind, Brother Phap Linh and Dr. Liam Kavanagh hosted a disucssion with psychaitrist and writer Dr. Iain McGilchrist, author of The Master and His Emissary, whose work focuses on the divide between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Photos / Francophone Retreat

The francophone retreat, organized every year for over 20 years, has always been an opportunity to bring together the lay francophone community in a warm and joyful atmosphere.  Last year, for the first time in 20 years, Plum Village was unable to hold this annual “family reunion”.  At the end...

Songs / Moments of Joy

In celebration of Women’s History Month, we would like to offer you a few poems, ‘Moments of Joy’ read by Sr Dieu Nghiem (also known as Sr Jina), a senior disciple of Thay, and a much loved Dutch-Irish nun of the Plum Village tradition. Those who have encountered her...

Photos / Monastic Retreat 2021

Every year all the brothers and sisters from the Plum Village centers in Europe look forward to a monastic retreat together. This is a chance for us to build brotherhood and sisterhood, and deepen our practice after a full year of offering retreats to people all around the world....

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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