For the first time in Plum Village history the 14 Mindfulness Trainings Transmission ceremony was held online on the 2nd of May in the year 2021.
We are very happy to announce that we now have more 185 new members of the Order of Interbeing (OI), including 162 lay friends and 23 monastic brothers and sisters, who have just received the Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings (14MTs). They have decided to dedicate themselves to the continuous practice of mindfulness, ethical behavior, and compassionate action in society. The ceremony was live streamed with about 1300 people bearing witness and offering their spiritual support.
We invite you to enjoy these photos and videos of the ceremony. There are also two talks that were given by Sr. Chan Duc and Br. Phap Huu before the ceremony to encourage and guide our OI members to be to prepare their body and mind .
Talk by Sr. Chan Duc for OI members to be on May 1, 2021
Talk by Br. Phap Huu on May 2, 2021
Video of the 14MTs Transmission Ceremony
[The images and video show members of the community physically close and not wearing masks within the boundaries of Plum Village. This is because the whole community has been closed to the public and have been living in confinement since March 2020 and therefore the risk of transmitting the Covid virus to each other is very low.]
“The fragrance of this incense invites the awakened mind to be truly present with us now.” “With body, speech and mind in perfect oneness, I send my heart along with the sound of this bell.” “In gratitude to our father and mother who have given us life, we bow deeply…” “In gratitude to our teachers who have shown us the way to love, understand, and live deeply the present moment,…” “In gratitude to our friends who guide us and support us in difficult moments,…” “In gratitude to all beings in the animal, plant, and mineral worlds,…” ” The 14 MTs are the torch lighting our path, the boat carrying us, the teacher guiding us.” “The 14 MTs allow us to touch the nature of interbeing in everything that is, and to see that our happiness is not separate from the happiness of others.” The abbot reading out a certificate that was given to a new OI member. Congratulations to the new OI members. One monastic ordination family with the joy of receiving the 14 MTs together. Another ordination family also took a souvenir photo for this special event. Sone new members of the OI community.
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