Monastic Life / Trừng Quang Great Precepts Transmission Ceremony

We are happy to announce that 19 novice monks and 38 novice nuns received the Revised Pratimoksha to become fully ordained bhikshus and bhikshunis at the “Trừng Quang” Great Precepts Transmission Ceremony in Thai Plum Village from 10-14 February.

This was the first in-person Great Precepts Transmission held by Plum Village since the pandemic. The ordinees gathered from Plum Village centers in Thailand, Vietnam, France and the US to receive their full precepts at this auspicious event that carried the lineage name of Thay – “Trừng Quang”, which means “pure light”.

The event also marked the 10th anniversary of Thai Plum Village, as well as transmitting the Dharma Lamp to 16 new Dharma teachers.

Formally inviting the Revised Pratimoksa

Morning of February 10th

Transmission of the Bhikshu Precepts

Sister Dinh Nghiem leading the novice nuns

Transmission of the Bhikshuni Precepts

Sister Trang Hien Nhan receiving the
Bhikshuni sanghati robes

The new Bhikshunis with Sister Chan Khong

Transmission of Dharma Lamps

Ceremony to consecrate the land for a new meditation hall

Br. Phap Anh (left) and Br. Phap Huu (right) represent the sangha to express gratitude to the venerables.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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