In this first Dharma Talk of our Summer Retreat, we are all warmly welcomed to “The Country of the Present Moment”. Our visa to stay in this land are our mindful steps and breath. To enjoy our stay even more deeply, we are invited to be aware of the conditions of happiness that are already there and to practice gratitude.
Sister Tu Nghiem shares further about the practice of being aware of the four positions of our body. This can be practiced at any moment in our daily life to create happiness and peace in our body. By practicing awareness of the body, we develop the energy of mindfulness in us. However, while practicing, we need to remember that mindfulness is not a tool but a way of life that goes along with compassion.
Awareness of the body is practiced along with awareness of the breath. The first four exercises of mindful breathing offered by the Buddha help us take care of our body.
Our breathing can also help us to deal with strong emotions. By coming back to our breath, we anchor ourselves in our body instead of being carried away by the tempest that is going on in our mind.
In the last part of her Dharma Talk, sister Tu Nghiem shares other practices that can help us take care of our strong emotions, as well as a wonderful story about a man who thought he was a grain of corn. We are introduced to the Four Kinds of Nutriments as well as to the practice of Metta, the practice of offering our love.
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