As we come in touch with the newly blooming flowers and the rising bird-song of Spring, Sr. Từ Nghiêm guides us in inquiring: how may we offer Spring cleaning and renewal to our body, and to our mind?
In this warm and image-rich talk, our elder sister shares practical and deep guidance about how to care for and refresh ourselves, and how to develop our compassion and our understanding as we walk the Bodhisattva path: the path of an “awakening being” who is learning to be of service to all life.
She begins with the invitation to “stop”: to rest our body and mind, in order to touch the wonders of life and to be able to look deeply and see reality clearly. She offers us this haiku by Basho, which resonates with this moment of the year, and the spirit of her talk:
Sitting quietly,
doing nothing. Spring comes,
and the grass grows by itself.
She encourages us to see difficulties as an opportunity to grow our love, and our capacity– and not to lose sight of the beautiful and wondrous things that are still present inside us and around us. She gently reminds us, “the birds are still singing”
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