A Look At Our Plum Village Roots and Branches with Brother Phap Dung and Sister Dang Nghiem

A special online sharing about the recent One Year Memorial Ceremony for Thay at the Tu Hieu Root Temple, Vietnam, and the Great Precepts Transmission Ceremony in our Thai Plum Practice Center.

Join us to explore our Plum Village roots and branches. Brother Phap Dung and Sister Dang Nghiem, who recently attended two significant events in Vietnam and Thailand, will offer their insights and experiences. These events were the One Year Memorial Ceremony for Thay at the Tu Hieu Root Temple and the Great Precepts Transmission Ceremony in our Thai Plum Practice Center.

During this session, we will delve into the meaning and significance of these events and how they can help to invigorate our meditation practice and Sangha building. We will learn about the extended memorial services for our teacher and how we can incorporate them into our lives and community. We will also discover the meaning and significance of the monastic precept transmission tradition to our modern secular society. It will be an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of our Plum Village heritage and how it can guide us in our spiritual journey.


10min Intro, quick slide sharing
60min Sharing
30min Q&A
5min Closing

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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