Coming together to practice
“Tomorrow, I will continue to be. But you will have to be very attentive to see me. I will be a flower, or a leaf. I will be in these forms and I will say hello to you. If you are attentive enough, you will recognize me, and you may greet me. I will be very happy.” – Thích Nhất Hạnh
Dear Friends,
Coming home to ourselves, so that we can recognise our emotions, is a fundamental practice. The energy of mindfulness helps us to recognise our pain, and to embrace it tenderly. When we bring our mind back to our body, and become fully present in the here and now, we are in a position to take care of ourselves and of those around us.With gratitude to our beloved Thay, Plum Village UK is running an expanded online schedule from 22nd January to 5th February.These online gatherings allow us to breathe together. They are open to all. We can generate the energy of mindfulness, peace, compassion and non-fear together as a community.Please come along. Be nourished and supported by your fellow practitioners. Offer your presence and practice to support your fellow practitioners.
We know you are there and we are very happy.
Morning love meditation 7:30am – 8:15am GMT daily
from Sun 23rd to Sat 5th Feb.
Please click here to join any of the above sessions or use the link: