Volunteering – Nourishing our roots

A retreat for young Asians in the west

Are you a young Asian who were born or grew up or have taken roots in the west? Have you practiced in the Plum Village tradition and would like to offer back the fruit of your practice as a volunteer at the Nourishing Our Roots retreat?

Volunteers will arrive on April 28 to settle in, meet the monastics and the volunteer team. We will learn, practice, play, and prepare for the retreat together.

Volunteers will stay a few days after the retreat, departing on May 12 to help us wrap up the retreat and join the farewell gathering.

You will camp during the retreat and contribute €200 for your stay.

**We only consider applicants who have practiced at one of the Plum Village centers.

All volunteers, please provide:

  • A copy of ID card
  • Proof of health insurance and visa if needed.

/ Register

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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