Per favore pubblicate qui sotto i vostri ricordi di aver ascoltato gli insegnamenti di Thay, di aver partecipato ai suoi ritiri, o semplicemente di come i suoi insegnamenti e i suoi scritti hanno influenzato la vostra vita.
Sei stato in grado di riconciliare una relazione o di trasformare una difficoltà? Ti ha ispirato all’azione nel lavoro per la pace, la giustizia sociale, l’ecologia, l’educazione, la costruzione di comunità o altri tipi di servizio impegnato? Come aspiri a portare avanti il suo messaggio nella tua vita?
Plum Village e la Fondazione Thich Nhat Hanh stanno raccogliendo un archivio di ricordi di Thay. Vi invitiamo a condividere una foto o un video di Thay, o una fotografia ad alta risoluzione di una delle sue calligrafie. Please upload them here.
Se hai qualcosa che vorresti condividere con noi, ma preferisci non pubblicarlo pubblicamente, mandalo a:
It is not an exaggeration to say Thich Nhat Hanh’s writings saved my life and continue to beautify it.
Victoria Schafer
I cannot begin to express how deeply this man has moved me and shaken my understanding of the world to its core. … My life is infinitely clearer, more grounded, joyful, calmer, more spacious, more filled with appreciation and gratitude.
Tanya Meyer
May we all continue to live as he showed us in peace and nonviolence that we too might spread the light of peace throughout the world.
Father John Dear
I’m just a regular guy from Texas. I read about Thay and ordered ‘The Pocket Thich Nhat Hanh.’ It completely changed my life. I stopped rushing and seeking. I learned to be still and enjoy each moment.
Dan Watson
While my root teacher is Jesus, the practices of Thay and the dharma of Plum Village have shown me the path to joy. The present moment is the only eternity we will ever know.
I met this loving man in 2008 in the desert … he spoke to a small group of us veterans who were struggling to adapt to our new lives back in the civilian society. What he taught me saved my life … for that I am eternally grateful.
Mateo Hevezi
I will see you everywhere, always, as my breath beside me.
Terrence Geary
I cannot begin to tell you how much your teachings have helped me and how much you mean to me. You gave me the tools to transform difficult emotions by shining the light of mindfulness on them. You showed me how to find peace with my father
I worked in a prison and used Thay’s teachings to help and guide the men in my unit. The simplicity of it all makes it easy to demonstrate and teach. Thank you.
I drove almost 1000 miles to see you and I am holding to my heart those few moments that I met you. You are a great teacher and a beautiful soul.
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