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Foto / Il Ritiro delle Piogge 2022

Il 15 settembre abbiamo iniziato formalmente il nostro Ritiro di 90 giorni di pioggia con la “Cerimonia di richiesta di rifugio (Varsavasana)”. Il Buddha, il nostro Maestro (Thay) e il Molteplice Sangha di Upper Hamlet, Son Ha, Lower Hamlet e New Hamlet hanno unito le loro energie per fare...

Foto / 2020 Autumn Rains Retreat

Following a tradition that dates back to the Buddha’s time, each year the Plum Village fourfold Sangha has a 3-month Rains Retreat. The monastic brothers and sisters use this time to deepen their practice. This year, on the 17th of September we formally opened the Rains retreat with the...

Foto / “Love is The Way” online retreat

Let us recall some memorable moments in the “Love is The Way” online retreat 7th-9th August. Here are various activities that we practiced during the three days. Both monastic and lay were nourished. Our teacher (Thay) dreamed about an online monastery a long time ago. Now it becomes true...

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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