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Articles & News

Foto / Il Ritiro delle Piogge 2022

Il 15 settembre abbiamo iniziato formalmente il nostro Ritiro di 90 giorni di pioggia con la “Cerimonia di richiesta di rifugio (Varsavasana)”. Il Buddha, il nostro Maestro (Thay) e il Molteplice Sangha di Upper Hamlet, Son Ha, Lower Hamlet e New Hamlet hanno unito le loro energie per fare…

Passi di Pace ad Assisi

Sabato 16 aprile 2022 ore 10,30 Care amiche e cari amici, Con tanta gioia vi comunichiamo che 4 sorelle e 3 fratelli della comunità monastica di Plum Village presente in Italia in questo momento, al termine del loro pellegrinaggio sui passi di San Francesco (iniziato al Santuario della Verna)…

Lettera Aperta: un Appello alla Pace

Cara famiglia umana, Nel guardare la tragedia della guerra che ogni giorno dilaga in Ucraina, apriamo i nostri cuori alla sofferenza di giovani e anziani. Come comunità internazionale del Buddhismo impegnato nella tradizione di Plum Village, osserviamo la guerra con dolore e allarme. Nella nostra comunità Buddhista, ogni Natale…

Cerimonie di Natale 2020

You are invited to join us for our Christmas celebrations on December 24th at 3:00 pm. Christmas is a precious opportunity to be together, to be touched by love, to see the beauty of the our interconnectedness, and to generate peace and joy together.

How To / Trovare un insegnante spirituale

Ci sono momenti nella vita in cui provi un profondo senso di vuoto interiore, e quello che fai di solito per trovare un po’ di felicità non basta a soddisfarlo? Se cerchi una dimensione spirituale per dare un senso alla tua vita, a chi rivolgersi? Dove trovare un insegnante…

Foto / 2020 Autumn Rains Retreat

Following a tradition that dates back to the Buddha’s time, each year the Plum Village fourfold Sangha has a 3-month Rains Retreat. The monastic brothers and sisters use this time to deepen their practice. This year, on the 17th of September we formally opened the Rains retreat with the…

Notizie autunnali di Thầy da Huế

Cara amata comunità, Tra poche settimane, l’11 ottobre, Thầy compirà 94 anni. Siamo davvero felici che Thầy sia rimasto compassionevolmente con noi dopo il suo grave ictus di quasi sei anni fa, offrendoci la sua presenza, la sua stabilità e la sua testimonianza, e permettendoci così di coltivare e…

Updates / New book: America’s Racial Karma

We are so happy to announce a new book from Larry Ward, a senior Dharma teacher in the Plum Village tradition. In this book, Larry uses Buddhist insight gained from many years as a student of Thich Nhat Hanh to offer guidance on breaking America’s cycle of racial trauma.

Thich Nhat Hanh on… / The Sun My Heart

The Sun My Heart, first published in 1988, is a timeless book by our teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, about the power of the mindfulness practice in daily life. Please enjoy some excerpts from the book and listening to Br Phap Hai, an elder monastic in the Plum Village tradition,…

Thay's Poetry / New Hamlet

We would like to invite you to visit New Hamlet through this video, and enjoy an excerpt of the poem “New Hamlet”. Thay (Thich Nhat Hanh) wrote this poem to the workers of the School of Youth for Social Service during Vietnam War at 1960s. He inspired his students…

Foto / “Love is The Way” online retreat

Let us recall some memorable moments in the “Love is The Way” online retreat 7th-9th August. Here are various activities that we practiced during the three days. Both monastic and lay were nourished. Our teacher (Thay) dreamed about an online monastery a long time ago. Now it becomes true…

Canti / The Evening Chant

At Plum Village monasteries around the world, we recite this chant directly before our period of silent sitting medtiation in the evening. With posture upright and solid, We are seated at the foot of the Bodhi tree. Body, speech, and mind are one in stillness; There is no more…

Thay travels to Bangkok for health check-ups

1st December, 2019 Dear Beloved Community, We’re happy to announce that on Thursday 28th November, Thay traveled from Huế, Vietnam to Bangkok, Thailand for a full medical check-up in Bangkok. The trip and hospital visit went smoothly. Yesterday morning, Thay decided to travel on to visit our community at…

Thich Nhat Hanh turns 93

Dear Beloved Community, We are very happy to share that today Thay has been celebrating his 93rd birthday at Từ Hiếu Temple in Huế, Vietnam, his “Root Temple” where he first entered the monkhood aged sixteen.  Over the last few days, Thay’s monastic students from across Vietnam have been…

Thay’s 92nd Birthday

As we celebrate Thay’s 92nd continuation day on 11th October, we’d like to take this opportunity to share with you how our beloved Teacher has been doing in Thailand.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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